Direct & Public Access

Henry Chambers is able to accept Public & Direct Access instructions in all of our areas of practice where a case is suitable and is agreed with you as to the best pathway forward.

Please note that not every case is suitable for this type of instruction, especially where we believe there to be complex litigation or matters that would require a team of people including solicitors to investigate and manage your case. We would be more than happy to arrange an initial consultation to discuss the benefits of Public Access with you and how we may be able to assist you moving forward.

Public & Direct Access work allows you to work directly with a Barrister. You are able to utilise their skills and services so that they can advise on your case and advocate on your behalf at Court, where required.


It is difficult to say how long it will take for your matter to be completed as it depends on a variety of factors such as the complexity of your case, the work required to be completed, the need for further documents and disclosure, the Court’s availability and listing and as well as the Barristers own availability.

Timescales can also be affected by discussions that can be held with the other side and negotiations as well as work that you would be required yourself to indeed action.

It is therefore important that we have early and active consideration of your potential matter as possible in order to consider whether this would be a case suitable for the Public & Direct Access Scheme.


Henry Chambers is always happy to provide fixed fee quotations for specific pieces of work so that you can have clear certainty as to how much you would be paying if you indeed decided to instruct us to act on your behalf. Please note that all fees are quoted excluding VAT.

When assessing the fixed fee, we would require an initial consultation with you to discuss the particular issues within your matter and the level of work required in order to assist. Thereafter, we will consider any documents and information that you have provided in that meeting and be able to provide an exact quote for the agreed fixed fee work.

If you are in agreement with the fees that will be proposed, then we will look to send you a client instruction letter which will set out the terms and conditions of instructing Henry Chambers. Once this letter has been signed and returned and you have paid the required fee, we will be able to proceed with completing the piece of work that we have been instructed to action on your behalf.

Indicative Fees

The following are indicative fees only, so please contact us for an initial consultation where we would be able to give a more accurate quote regarding the work to be actioned. Again, please note that all indicative fees are exclusive of VAT.

Family Finance

First Appointment Court Hearing – £1,000 – £1,500
Financial Dispute Resolution Appointment – £2,500 – £3,500
First day of the Final Hearing (with no settlement at the FDR) – £3,000 – £4,000
Court appearances after the first day of the Final Hearing (known as refreshers) – £1,500 – £2,000
Drafting any paperwork and conferences – £250 per hour

Private Law Children

First Hearing Dispute Resolution Appointment – £1,000 – £1,500
Dispute Resolution Appointment – £1,250 – £1,750
Pre-Trial Review (where applicable) – £1,200- £1,750
First Day of Final Hearing – £2,500- £3,000
Court appearances per day after the first day of Final Hearing (known as refresher days) – £1,500- £2,000
Drafting paperwork and conferences – £250 per hour